Users and Groups


  • Why have users and groups?
  • What is the difference between authentication and authorization?

User accounts

  • Consist of:

    • USername
    • UID
    • Primary GID
    • GECOS
    • HOME
    • Shell
    • Encrypted Password (/etc/shadow)
  • Other items can be seen in /etc/passwd

Group Accounts

  • Consist of:

    • Group name
    • GID
    • List of members
  • cat /etc/group

Primary group vs other Group membership

  • WHen a file/dir is created, who owns it? What are its' permissions?
    • UID comes from process that created it
    • GID comes from process that created it
    • Permissions come from umask of process that created it.


  • Changing UID/GID and permissions
  • How to change defaults associated with an account
  • How are permissions applied?


  • Files we should make sure we know:
    • /etc/shadow
    • /etc/passwd
    • /etc/group
    • /etc/skel

Command review

Command Command
passwd chfn
chsh umask
id groups
who finger

Command review

Command ~
adduser addgroup
chmod chgrp
chown ~

Permissions review (Files)

  • read = r = 4 (view)

  • write = w = 2 (modify)

  • execute = x = 1 (run)

  • Examples?

Permissions review (Directories)

  • Same as for files except
    • r = view list of directory contents
    • w = modify list of directory
    • add, delete, rename files in dir
    • x = enter directory, or cd into dir

Permissions review

Mode layers:

  • User (UID) - mode applied to processes with matching UID
  • Group (GID) - mode applied to processes with matching GID
  • Other (world)

Each mode can be set for r,w,x


If a process wants to read, it will be allowed if the UID matches and user-read is set, or if GID matches and group-read is set, or if other read is set. Same for write and execute.

Special Permissions

In addition to other bits:

  • 4 = setuid bit = s or S
  • 2 = setGID bit = s or S
  • 1 = sticky bit = t


  • Files
  • When the program is run, the process will have the UID of the file, instead of inheriting from parent process. Same for GID
  • Directories:
  • No effect
  • ls -l /usr/bin/passwd


  • Files
    • Same as SetUID described previously
  • Directories
    • New contents of directory will have GID of directory instead of inheriting from creating process.

Sticky Bit

  • Files
    • no effect
  • Directories
    • only root and file owners can delete and rename files in the directory

Full file mode examples

  • 2750?
  • 6755?
  • 1777?
  • 0644?
  • r-sr-sr-x?
  • rwsr-Sr--?
  • rwxrwxrwt?


Why the difference between s and S when setting SetUID or SetGID bits? If the file is NOT executable, you have S, otherwise s.


Each process has a mask that defines permission bits that should be removed from newly created files and directories.

  • 0002
  • 0027

Umask inherited from parent process. Processes can change their umask with a system call. Shell usually gets default umask from a shell init file.

