Reverse Lookups

Reverse DNS
  • Given an IP address, find the hostname
  • some applications want to do this
  • Same DNS hierarchy is used but different branch of the tree.
  • For example, www.thegummibear.com should match IP This is given as an A record in DNS as we have previously seen.
Reverse DNS

For that same example, when using reverse DNS, the special name is :


Note that this is the reverse of my IP address and a special suffix.

Reverse DNS

Reverse DNS
  • Reverse DNS requires authoritative servers, just like any other zone
  • Requires delegation from a higher server
Reverse DNS Steps
  • Checkout IPs from system
  • Configure one authoritative master
  • Configure one or more authoritative slaves
  • Configure registrar to delegate to authoritative servers
  • Test!
Reverse DNS (Authoritative Master)
  • Install bind9 (if not alread installed)
  • Configure named.conf.local with authoritative zone record.
  • Create zone file
  • Restart named
  • Check syslog for errors.
Reverse DNS (Authoritative Slave)
  • Install bind9 if needed
  • Configure named.conf.local with authoritative zone record.
  • Restart named
  • Check syslog for errors
  • Check master for syslog errors
  • Test system for responses
  • Fix errors, until correct.
Registrar Delegation Setup
  • Collect hostnames of all Authoritative servers
  • Collect names of reverse DNS zone
  • Send info to registrar
  • Wait for registrar
  • Test delegation
  • Correct errors. Test.