

General Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Do things work as expected?
  • If so, move on.
  • If not, how can I find out what went wrong?
  • Is there something in the system logs?
  • Are there any application specific logs?
  • If there are no logs, are there any commands that I can do to narrow down the error scope?
  • Could there be other problems that would affect this (i.e. disk full, other system issues)(firewall?)

General Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Other avenues of support?
  • forums, discussions,
  • peers, colleagues

DNS Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Dig, dig, dig.
  • Start at root
  • Travel down the hierarchy
  • Test from localhosts, remote hosts
  • inside network, outside network
  • test master and slave

DNS Troubleshooting Strategies

  • What do the logs say about it?
  • Was the zone transferred successfully?
  • Does it say something about a failure on any line?
  • If digs against slave aren't working, your transfer probably didn't complete!

DNS Common Problems

  • Typos in zone or named.conf.local
  • Dots?? (after NS records, at end of ptr record, end of SOA lines)
  • Semicolons
  • OTher syntax errors
  • I can't wget
  • My slave isn't working
  • Misconfigured named.conf.local
  • TTL set too high, you have to wait a long time for new refresh.
  • A record pointed to wrong host.

DNS Common Problems

  • Conceptual understanding
    • What does delegate mean?
    • Are you blindly following slides or do you try to understand what they are saying?
    • For the exam, it will be VERY difficult to rely on slides to tell you what to do, though it is open note.

Database Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Can you login from localhost?
    • See the database?
  • Can you login from remote host?
    • by ip vs fqdn?
    • See the database?
  • What does the mysql.error log have to say?

Database Common Problems

  • System level users vs Database users
    • They are not the same!
  • Most problems boil down to:
    • Did you create the database
    • Did you execute the correct GRANT statement on the database
    • Did we allow remote connections?
  • Examples:
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'foo'.'*' to 'bob'@'144.38.195.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'foo'.'*' to 'bob'@'144.38.196.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'cows';
    • GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'foo'.'*' to 'bob'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'cows';

Email Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Can you send an email to someone in the domain?
  • Send out to world?
  • Send from world back to domain?
  • MX record found? (If not, fall back to A record)
    • You CAN do a dig test to see if it is working.
  • Listening on ports (do a netstat -natp) (This is good for looking at ANY service)
  • Logs?(Paniclog, mainlog?)

Email Common Problems

  • Your DNS isn't working
  • You don't have a user created

HTTP Troubleshooting Strategies

  • Can you visit the website?
  • Can you dig the FQDN and get an IP?
  • If it shows a different page than what you were expecting:
    • DId you enable the virtual host?
    • DId you create the correct document root?
    • Is there content?

Filesystem Troubleshooting Strategies

  • See the filesystem slides
  • Remember the basic steps
    • partition
    • format
    • mount
    • create file

Other random problems

Most common source of errors in this class are typos in the SUBMISSION file!

Other common errors are permission issues:

  • when mounting/creating files
  • web applications/ web pages
  • user no have perms to db

Fix by issuing new permissions or ownership commands:

  • chmod
  • chown
  • grant (for mysql)

Other random problems (System related)

Sometimes different system settings are affecting our programs:

  • incorrect IP, subnet mask, default gateway
  • umask, UID, GID
  • hostnames
    • Does this have to match what is in DNS?
    • They absolutely SHOULD!
    • /etc/hostname
      • Does this need to match DNS?
      • Not really

Make sure your system is solid FIRST!