
  • Hosts file
    • flat namespace
    • possible duplicates
    • unwieldy

DNS What is it?

  • ICANN - Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
  • IANA - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
    • department of ICANN?
    • manages the root zone (top of hierarchy)
    • manages global pool of IP addresses

DNS What is it?

  • Do we need it to use the internet?
  • Registrar

The Hierarchy

A simple view


  • OSI model? Ports? UDP
  • Zone transfers always done with TCP
  • UDP is almost always use to query first, but may switch to TCP if response is too large.

DNS Client View

DNS Client View

Lookup Server View

Lookup Server Steps

    1. Client makes request to lookup server
    1. Lookup server checks to see if request is saved in cache
    1. If it is, is it still valid?
    1. Query root server to find address of tld nameserver
    1. Query TLD server to find address of domain nameserver
    1. Query authoritative domain server to find address of host
    1. Store results in cache
    1. Return results to client

Lookup server Misc

  • TTL
    • Amt of time (in seconds) the record can be cached by any resolver
    • low value: more load on DNS server
    • too hi: stale cache entries
  • Recursive lookups
  • Security?

Authoritative Server View

Subdomains and Delegation

  • When the authoritative name server for a domain receives a request for a subdomain's records and responds with NS records for other name servers, that is DNS delegation.

  • visual

Master/Slave Authoritative Server Views


  • Notify
  • Serial Numbers